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            JESUS, YOU…… RESTORE MY SOUL –Psalm 19:7

           JESUS, YOU…… MAKE ME WISE –Psalm 19:7

              JESUS, YOU…… MAKE MY HEART REJOICE —Psalm 19:8

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Psalm 121:7

 “The Lord shall preserve you from all evil;  He shall preserve your soul.”

While on the subject of abiding with Christ every moment of the day, even with our busy lives, Andrew Murray continues in his book, “Abiding in Christ.” And the chapter entitled, “Every Moment”

In ordinary life, we have abundant illustration of the influence of a supreme affection reigning in and guarding the soul while the mind concentrates itself on work that requires its whole attention. 

Think of a king; in the midst of work, pleasure and trial, he all the while acts under the secret influence of the consciousness of royalty, even while he does not think of it.  A loving mother never for one moment loses the sense of her relation to her children; the consciousness and the love are there, amid all her engagements.  And can it be thought impossible for Everlasting Love so to take and keep possession of our spirits, that we too will never for a moment lose the secret consciousness:  we are in Christ, kept in Him by His almighty power?

Oh, it is possible; we can be sure of that!  Our abiding in Jesus is even more than a fellowship of love – it is a fellowship of life!   In work or in rest, the consciousness of life never leaves us.  And in the same way, the mighty power of the eternal life maintains within us the consciousness of its presence.  Or rather, Christ, who is our life, Himself dwells within us, and by His presence maintains our consciousness that we are in Him.

The second objection has reference to our sinfulness.  Christians are so accustomed to looking upon sinning daily as something absolutely inevitable that they regard it as a matter of course that no one can keep up abiding fellowship with the Savior:  we must sometimes be unfaithful and fail.  As if it were not just because we have a nature that is nothing but a very fountain of sin that the abiding in Christ has been ordained for us as our only and  our sufficient deliverance!  As if it were not the Heavenly Vine, the living, loving Christ, in whom we have to abide, and whose almighty power to hold us fast is to be the measure of our expectations!   As if He would give us the command, “Abide in Me” (John 15:4) without securing the grace and power to enable us to perform it!!

As if, above all, we did not have the Father as the Husbandman (John 15:1) to keep us from failing, and that not in a large and general sense, but according to His own precious promise: night and day, every moment !  

Oh! If we will only look to our God as the Keeper of Israel, of whom it is said,

“The Lord shall preserve you from all evil: He shall preserve your soul.”  (Psalm 121:7), we will learn to believe that conscious abiding in Christ every moment, night and day, is indeed what God has prepared for those who love Him.

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